
ARKgame66 - PvP and PvE servers ARK Survival Evolved

Servers list

Server Features

Radial menu with popular commands

Radial menu Opens when you press F5 and contains such useful commands that you don’t have to remember them:

  • Shop - shows shopping list of game store
  • Suicide - kills the character
  • Download Items - loads items from the transfer if they are not loaded automatically
  • Cryo и Cryo all - commands for dino cryo
  • Auto Farm - command for autofarm
  • Auto Buff - command for autobuff


There is autofarm on the servers, to enable it:

  1. you need to sit on a dinosaur that can carry others (Argentavis, Quetzal, Carkinos);
  2. pick it up or look at the farming dino (ankylosaurus, doedicurus, therizinosaurus, roll rats);
  3. write the command /farm into the chat or use radial menu.

After this, the dinosaur will begin to beat automatically and you just need to drag it to the resources. For example, argentavis holds in his paws an ankylosaurus, who hits, you can transport a therizinosaur on a motor boat.


If there is little online in the tribe, then you can use autobuff.

To enable it, you need to look at the dinosaur and write the command /autobuff or use radial menu. The following dinosaurs have an auto buff:

  • Yutyrannus Yutyrannus shouts and buffs allies
  • Daeodon
  • Shadowmane
  • Mammoth

Or you can use the command /autobuffall or radial menu to enable autofarming for all dinos nearby.

Tonic "Mindwipe" without resetting engrams

If you’re tired of studying the drawings every time after redistributing points, you can use a special soup AG Mindwipe Tonic does not reset engrams when used. You can create AG Mindwipe Tonic in the same place as the Mindwipe tonic - in a Cooking Pot or Industrial Cooker.

Compact ammo storage

Advanced Rifle Bullet stack is 100 things, so to conveniently carry them, you can craft a box of 1000 bullets  AG Bullet Crate , which at the right time can be unpacked back into bullets.

AG structures Mod

The servers have their own structures mod  AG community mod , which allows you to make gameplay much more comfortable.

Many new buildings, size changes, fixed bugs of standard structures.

CrossChat - chat between servers and Discord

CrossChat between servers and Discord Now you can participate in the life of the server and communicate even from your phone, no discussion will pass by!

Cryo commands

Tired of collecting clones one by one? Need to quickly cryo the breedline? The cryo plugin will help with this! For convenience, the listed commands are available in radial menu.

  • /cryo - cryo the dinosaur you're looking at
  • /cryoall - cryo dinosaurs around, you can specify a filter by name, for example /cryoall Magma - cryo all dinos that have "Magma" in their name
  • /safecryoall - the same as cryoall, but not dinosaur cryo in turret mode, pregnant, with structures on the platform or in mating mode

To use, you must have empty cryopods in your inventory Cryopod and cryofridge

Genesis 2 Biome Notifications

Every in-game day, asteroids change on the map and notifications are sent to Discord to make them easier to track. Different biomes maps Genesis Part 2

Support for Russian-language labels

Own mod support for Russian-language inscriptions on refrigerators, safes, drawers, etc. has appeared.

AG Turrets

These are mod turrets  AG Turrets , which lag much less than the standard ones. Thanks to this, large turret walls do not reduce FPS to 0